My Travel Preferences

Below you can select "default locations" that will be used to make an initial selection of roadways to display when you view a travel report on this site.


To select your default locations, click on the Locations field and select locations from the drop down list. You may also start typing a location to filter the list to make selection easier. Your selections are automatically saved.

You may save yourself some time by using the "Use my location" button. This may prompt you for permission to access your device's GPS coordinates. If you allow this, then the locations will automatically be filled in with your county and all nearby Interstate highways.

After you have selected default locations, the information for those locations will be displayed automatically when you view one of the travel information report pages. Please note that when you display a report page, you can also choose to view information for other locations by selecting them on the report page itself. For more detailed help with this page, see My Travel Help.

Note: Your My Travel Preferences are stored using browser cookies. If you have cookies disabled, then you will not be able to pre-select a set of default locations for the report pages. Instead, you will have to pick the locations you are interested in each time you view a report page.

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Much of this site's functionality makes use of cookies and JavaScript.

Sun Mar 30 2025 09:47:12 CDT