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Travel Time Chart Overview
The travel time chart is available by clicking on a travel time bubble on one of the map pages and then selecting the "Chart" tab:
The chart contains the following elements:
- Date - this input can be used to change the data displayed to another day from the past, or to see what a typical day would look like in the future.
- Calendar icon
- click on the calendar icon to display a calendar of dates to choose from.
- Typical - the green line is the average travel time across all days like the one selected in the Date input field
- 11-11 - the red line is travel time for the selected date. In this example, to November 11th of the current year. The red dot represents the travel time for right now.
- 35 MPH - the dashed grey line is what the travel time would be if you drove 35 miles per hour.
The mouse can be used to view chart details. Simply hover over a chart element to obtain more information such as the exact time of day and travel time.